Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Father is great.

Since the day I was born, I lived to his kindness.
He gave me life, food and shelter.
He gave me a loving family who loves me.

He taught me things that not so many people know about.
Things that he secretly shares only to people he loves.
He taught me that JESUS is my savior and HE is my father.
He taught me to worship him in his church
He taught me to listen to his words and do what he had told
He taught me to pray to him whenever I need comfort.
He taught me not to give up and to hold on.
He taught me to fight and be brave
He taught me to choose what is right and to walk to his light.

He shares his kindness by giving me his blessings everyday
He shares his love by hearing my prayers
and giving me what I needed the most
He forgives and forgets my sins.
He understand me more than I understand myself
He rescues me from danger and cures me from my illness
He guides me to my journey in life and he carries me when I’m tired
He wipes my tears and took away the pain inside my heart

When I’m lost he finds me
When I fall he lifted me up
When I’m down he cheers me up.
When I’m tired he let me rest for a while

He is patiently waiting for me to go back to him
When I was wasting my time doing things I shouldn’t do…
He gets angry but it can easily go away
When he knows I’m truly sorry for what I did
He will forgive me and holds me closer to his grace.

And that is my “FATHER”… and HE is my “GOD”.

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